Hawaii School Calendar 2025 26

Hawaii School Calendar 2025-26 – The final day of classes for the 2025-2025 school year falls on Wednesday, May 28. This means that students will return to class after Memorial Day, which falls on May 26. This year the 2025-2025 . The school district released five options for 2025-25 and 2025-26 and is polling community opinion. It isn’t a vote to decide which calendar it will be. That decision is up to the school board. .

Hawaii School Calendar 2025-26

Source : www.mdjonline.com

Hawaii DOE | Class of 2023 high school graduation ceremonies scheduled

Source : www.hawaiipublicschools.org

System: Public meetings for proposed tuition increase in 2025

Source : www.hawaii.edu

Hawaii DOE | Kūlanihākoʻi High School to welcome students in August

Source : www.hawaiipublicschools.org

Gwinnett County Public Schools sets calendars for next two years

Source : www.gwinnettdailypost.com

Beaufort Co. schools could start weeks earlier than before. Here

Source : www.aol.com

Gwinnett County Public Schools sets calendars for next two years

Source : www.gwinnettdailypost.com

Hawaii DOE | HIDOE targeting fall opening for Kūlanihāko’i High

Source : www.hawaiipublicschools.org

Beaufort Co. schools could start weeks earlier than before. Here

Source : www.aol.com

Hawaii DOE | HIDOE eyeing mid January opening for Kulanihakoʻi

Source : www.hawaiipublicschools.org

Hawaii School Calendar 2025-26 MCS Calendar B 25 26.png | | mdjonline.com: Howard County public schools will begin classes on Aug. 25, the Monday before Labor Day, in 2025, and the school calendar will include a day off for Lunar New Year. . ExploreDeKalb school calendar: Should students have weeklong break in February? For Fulton’s 2025-26 instructional year, the board made some bigger changes. The first day of school will be Aug .